Personal Boundaries for Highly Sensitive People

A Simple Practice for Self-Care in Moments of Conflict

Do you avoid interactions because disconnecting feels safer and easier?

Do you get overwhelmed when you try to interact with certain people?

Do you hide your true self in case people don't like who you really are?

Available as ebook and paperback.

“This book is absolutely genius. I wish I had found this book 30 years ago, as it would have made my whole life much easier.” —Lauren Sapala, bestselling author

“Grace introduced and explained the concepts in small pieces that I could consume without being overwhelmed, and the message resonates so much. This book is very informative without being judgemental, which is a tough road to walk.” —D.L.

Instead of closing up and closing off, use the simple steps in Personal Boundaries for Highly Sensitive People to practice the empowerment of feeling authentic and connected.

When the people around you make waves with overwhelming personalities, expectations, or communication styles—personal boundaries come to the rescue. This handy guide offers a concise system for developing boundary skills that pop to the surface like a life-preserver in the moments they're needed.

For decades, Grace Kerina has helped writers and other creators develop personal boundaries to protect and empower their natural gifts. Personal Boundaries for Highly Sensitive People distills the process of self-acceptance while relating to others into 9 Steadying Points.

Learn how to:

  • spot red flags in the moment so you don't get blindsided;

  • respond honestly and safely when pressured to conform;

  • refocus to reduce overwhelm;

  • explore options at a pace that works for you;

  • make holding your boundaries more automatic;

…and more.

Don't wait for your boat to be capsized. Grab Personal Boundaries for Highly Sensitive People now and learn how to sit steady in your own boat so you're ready the next time people around you start making waves.

“If you identify with being a highly sensitive person or an introverted feeler type, you’ve probably had many moments in your life where you knew what limit you wanted to set, but then, you froze in the moment. Or you felt overwhelmed by someone who was pushy. Or intimidated by someone who raised their voice and drowned out yours. I think teaching us how to navigate these situations & how to break the freeze response is the game-changing aspect of this book!” —Ritu Kaushal, author